Progress Report

We have begun auditing other peoples posts. It has been relatively easy to find post that need to be audited. However one problem we have come across is people fixing their blogs. If they fix them then they can no longer be audited. We have been working on the spreadsheet and have been making progress. Along with this we have also been making blogs and finishing up activities. we have also gained our place back at the top of the leaderboard. I also think we have improved on our teamwork since our last hiccup. We have gotten it together and done better then we have before.

Idea to Startup

Entrepreneurship is all about starting a business. The process starts with a problem, a problem that needs to be solved in a new or better way make sure it disrupts the market you want to sell in.. Then comes an idea, or a solution to the problem. Then survey this idea to see if people actually care. If they do think your product would be useful then the next step is designing a prototype, this period could be trial and error until something works. After this getting funds is important like a GoFundMe. After you have the money the next step is organizing and creating a business. Overall the entrepreneurial process is all about beginning a business that will thrive

Progress Report

Our team has been working well to get our work done we may have had some mishaps however we have been getting things done. We have completed the activities with time to spare to do some blogs. Doing this we have noticed ourselves constantly doing well. However we did have our first deduction of 500 dollars. This was a setback however we still we doing relatively well as a group. The work has been split pretty evenly and everybody has participated in the projects. Our work has done what we need to do to stay successful and is working hard to regain the amount lost in the deduction. Overall our group is doing well and working nicely together.


Today our team had some struggles we found it difficult to get on task and an accident destroyed our work. I think that today we could’ve done a better job at teamwork. Had we just sat down and got to work we may  not have been distracted enough to allow an accident to happen. However after the accident we pulled it together and got the work done. We cleaned up our mess and got straight to work. I would like to improve on our teamwork skills in the future so that we can be more successful. Overall we our group needs to work on teamwork and getting to work quickly.

Brightwheel Nick Graham

This father had an idea of how to make the early school years better for parents and teachers. He made an app that made teachers jobs easier by helping them manage their students and communicating with parents and the parent part. His product was being tested in 50 schools in which they liked his product. When he came to the sharks he had around 2000 schools using his product. His one issue was making money off of the program which the sharks had a slight issue with. He explained that he would soon be charging for his services with certain perks added when purchasing. He eventually got two sharks to agree to a deal where they each gave him 300k in exchange for a larger amount of the company.

Characteristics of good working partners.

This article is very straightforward just like its first category. In the article it says that good workers are people who are honest and straightforward, these team members get the work done with now fun and games. Other good characteristics would be being reliable and doing your share, if you can’t take the work given and get t done your not helping the team and only dragging them behind. Also people should be helpful and kind to other workers. If your arguing all day the your not doing work and helping the company. it ends off with having a positive attitude which is probably the most important thing to being successful in the workplace.

Entrepreneurship Defined

This describes all the traits an entrepreneur should have it says some things like Autonomy which is a feeling of independence that they are their own boss. Usually an entrepreneur feels that their service/product has its own purpose that is important and needed in today’s society. It goes about saying that a entrepreneur won’t become rich overnight however having expectations or goals is good. It also talks about how they should hope they make something that is used long after they are gone. After giving this information it gives a lot of inspirational and informational quotes from different entrepreneurs. These quotes are from professionals that have been in the business and know how it works.

Teamwork in the workplace

This article is very similar to that last one I wrote about. It goes over how to be a good team player. Such as being responsible and showing commitment in what you are doing.  It main differences are in the sections about knowing when your wrong and supporting others. Starting with the supporting others it isn’t good to shut down other teammate or make them feel down. It doesn’t do any good for the team and only makes thing worse. The other section is also important a good team player understand when an idea wont work and doesn’t argue over things when they know they are wrong. Doing things like this is only going to slow down and split up the team.

Ten qualities of an Effective Team Player

This article goes over what is needed to be a part of the team. It goes over the basics like working hard, showing up and listening well. To be part of a team you need to be reliable and trusted to actually do the work also you need to be able to speak up and express your ideas. People who are effective on the team are people who can be flexible and change to a different situation another good quality to have is cooperating and showing commitment. If you aren’t committed to do helping the team then you aren’t doing your best. Overall this article goes over what it really means to be apart of a team.

Reflection On pitch

The biggest problem we faced was having too many ideas. Everyone had their own thing they wanted to pitch. We spent a large amount of our time trying to find an idea. We had many miniature pitches to see which idea we picked and eventually we decided on the shoes. I feel like we could’ve gone about this better then we did. We could have picked the first idea everybody liked and worked on that instead of pitching more ideas. However before the first good idea hits I think its just trial and error until something is found that works. Overall i feel that finding an idea to work on was the largest challenge we faced.